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스웨덴 국립문서고 아키비스트의 답장 본문


스웨덴 국립문서고 아키비스트의 답장

bravebird 2016. 6. 2. 05:02

놀랍게도 아주 친절한 답변을 받았다!!! 새벽에 잠시 잠이 깨서 본 폰에 답장이 와있었다. 

2016-06-01                     RA 2016/05986

Dear ***,

Thank you for your E-Mail of May 31. We would like to inform you that the building housing the National Archives in Stockholm/Marieberg is currently closed for renovation. To a certain degree, it is possible to order items from the collections here to the reading room in the Military Archives, also in Stockholm (Banérgatan 64). Please note that orders for documents must be made in advance, so that we have a chance to see to it that the documents are transported to the Military Archives.

The Military Archives are open on Friday June 4, and Tuesday June 7. The reading room is closed during the weekend and also on Monday June 6, which is a national holiday.

If you would like to consult the Samuel Fränne collection (Östturkestansamlingen) we need to know which boxes to send to the Military Archives. Please have a look at an index made by Mr Gunnar Jarring (in English) which you can access from our database:


The list of contents exists, I'm afraid, only in Swedish.

Yours sincerely,

L. Å.

Swedish National Archives (Riksarkivet Marieberg)
Box 125 41
SE-102 29 Stockholm

국립문서고는 지금 개보수 중이라, 대여신청을 하면 군사문서고로 자료를 임시이관시켜 열람하게 해준다고 한다. 사실 답장조차 기대를 안했는데 이렇게까지 해주다니!! 미리 대여신청을 해야 하는데 시간이 부족할 것 같아서 새벽 3시 반에 벌떡 일어났다. 다행히 스웨덴어-영어는 구글번역기가 팽팽 돌아간다. 

내가 접근하려는 DB는 Samuel Fränne collection (Östturkestansamlingen, 동투르키스탄 컬렉션)이라고 하고, 군나르 야링이 1994년도에 인덱스를 정리했다. 인덱스는 인명과 주제별로 정리돼 있고 100페이지가 넘는데, 아키비스트는 '박스' 단위로 주문할 것을 요구해서 주문 방법을 잘 모르겠다. 추가 문의를 보냈다.

​Dear L. A.

Thank you very much for your kind and swift reply. I can make it on June 7 to Military Archives. I will make sure to place an order well before I get there. 

Could you kindly give me more tips on ordering materials? I am afraid I am not very sure about how to order "boxes" you mentioned. I browsed the link you gave me and found Gunnar Jarring's index. His index lists personal names and subjects. It seems to show materials item-wise, not box-wise. 

Meanwhile, on the page of Östturkestansamlingen, I found two folders which are Kartor och ritningar and Fotografier med mera(1~100). Are those given numbers "box" numbers? Can I just choose certain numbers in Fotografier med mera, for example like 1, 4, 55, 70? 

Also, I heard that there are maps drawn by Sven Hedin in Military Archives. I hope to take a look at them if available. 



그나저나 이 동투르키스탄 컬렉션 DB안에서 링크를 타다 보면 엄청나게 많은 관련 페이지가 있고 설명도 상세한데 메일을 좀 미리 보낼 걸 그랬다. 못 들어가게 할 거라 생각한 게 문제였는데, 역시 일단 부딪쳐보고 봐야돼. 답장이 오기를 기다리며 틈 나는 대로 관련 DB도 구경해 봐야겠다. 

Archives related to the Swedish Mission Covenant-Mission Church

See: Östturkestansamlingen (SE / RA / 720860)

See: Sigfrid Moens archives (SE / RA / 720787)

See: Gunnar Jarring photo collection (SE / RA / 721293)

See: Gunnar Hermansson's Collection (SE / RA / 721422)
